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Introduction to Medial

What is Medial?

Medial is the official media library of the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University (FF MU), which hosts various video and audio recordings created at the faculty. This can include recordings of official events, videos from lectures, conference recordings, and educational videos for online courses. Both staff and students of the Faculty of Arts can upload their own content, manage it, and share it with others, including the broader public.

Medial is integrated into the e-learning environment of FF MU, specifically into the Moodle-based system for managing e-courses (ELF). It allows users to seamlessly include media content in their teaching materials. You can also find a recording button on a projector’s control panel in classrooms, which allows you to quickly create medial content using technology in those classrooms.

The access to Medial

Anyone can view content marked as public without logging in (using categories or the search function), however, unauthenticated guests can only view content designated as fully public.

Logged-in users (students and staff of FF MU) can add, manage, and share their own content. Staff and students from other faculties of Masaryk University can gain such access upon request. To do so, please, contact the E-learning Office FF MU, that manages the Medial. You can find their contacts on this page bellow.

The Basic orientation in Medial

You can log into the Medial either on the Medial website, or through the Moodle Integration Elements in the ELF (moodle). Basic navigation in Medial is described in English in the official Medial manual here.

The Categories in Medial

The content in Medial is organized into categories and tags to facilitate efficient searching and management. Tags help classify videos by themes and descriptions, and provide additional searchable details like event names or course codes. Categories function like directories for media content, with varying permissions for adding and viewing content depending on the category. Users have access to personal and institutional categories, such as public and employee-specific categories.

Authorized users have access to three types of cathegories:
- Public categories: These are for content that anyone can view, such as promotional materials for the faculty or general public events.
- Department categories: These are for internal use within specific academic or non-academic departments, where only employees or PhD students within that department can access the content.
- Personal category: If you want some of your content to remain private, it can be placed in your personal category, where only you can manage it.

Meanwhile, tags can be anything that the owner of the content will fill in during uploading or editing – typically key words linked to the topic of the content, as it should help you to find the content later.

Managing your Media

Here are some further usefull links to the official English manual of Medial platform:
- Uploading Media
- Managing your Media
- Editing Media
- Sharing Media

Contacts for User Suport

The system is managed by the FF MUNI E-learning office. They also provide the User Support and training related to the use of the content in education. You can contact them here:

Kancelář e-learningu
Centrum informačních technologií
Filozofická fakulta MU

e-mail: elf@phil.muni.cz
t: 549491592 | m: 775444529
web: e-learning.phil.muni.cz
